Virtual Learning: Additional Resources

CMR University’s virtual classroom is a virtual learning environment that allows for live interaction between the faculty and the students as they are participating in learning activities.

In other words, CMR’s virtual classroom is a shared virtual space where the students and the faculty work together simultaneously. Usually, these interactions take place through Google Class Meet. The participants have tools to present learning content in different formats, as well as to implement collaborative and individual activities.

The tutorial links for each class will be posted on the Google Class Stream. The notes and other study materials will be uploaded in the Google Class Drive. Students are requested to go through each day’s links and familiarize themselves, before attending the virtual class. The class notes and other study materials are always available in the Google Class Drive for their reference and study.  Students are encouraged to access and utilize the online Library resources.

Do's and Dont's for Attending Virtual Classes

I- Netiquettes for STUDENTS during Virtual Classes (Meet)

Virtual learning offers students the opportunity to work from the comfort of their homes. The introduction of virtual learning classrooms at CMR University has only encouraged the students in their learning process during the COVID-19 pandemic period as a measure to impart learning in the safety of their homes. As classrooms shift to virtual platforms you might be tempted to stay in your casuals all day, to never show up in your uniforms.  However, as students still enrolled in classes, which are still meeting virtual, you’ll need to show up and demonstrate to your professors that you are present, paying attention, and participating. There are some definite do’s and don’ts for students in the virtual classroom. Here are some reminders of how to be the best virtual student you can be.

The do’s for virtual learning

1. Be punctual, log in on time: As the classes are held virtually, attendance is most important. You’ll have to log into the Google Meet Classrooms at least 5 minutes before the class starts. Make sure your computer/ laptop/ smart phone is charged sufficiently and the uninterrupted network is available. Being late is not acceptable, especially as you are already saving the commuting time from your homes to college. 

2. Read the syllabus and course material ahead of time. Make sure you’ve read the required reading, or are prepared to participate based on the syllabus provided by your professor. The syllabus is still your road map to successfully passing and excelling in the courses and hence go through the links/ presentations / study material which is already posted in your classroom.

3. Introduce yourself and respect your peers: Make sure you introduce yourself and talk slowly. Sound quality will differ depending on each student’s home office set up. You have to make sure others can hear you and that you can hear them. Discussion sessions can become contentious if you strongly disagree with one of your fellow student’s opinions. However, make sure you respect your fellow students and allow them to speak 

4. Set up your space, make sure it’s quiet and uninterrupted: To make sure you can participate fully as a virtual student, you will want to set up a space that is free of distractions as much as possible. Kindly avoid all interruptions for the full duration of your class session. It’s also recommended that you set up a clear background behind you.  Cover up your favorite band poster and don’t let them see your dirty laundry all over the floor. Lock your door for privacy and politely ask your family members not to disturb you during the classes.

5. Test your tech support: Any problem in your technology could miss some vital part of your professor’s lecture. Make sure the camera is stable and that your audio or microphone works. Use headphones to make sure you can hear everyone. Plug in your computer and make sure it’s charged ahead of time. 

6. Be self-disciplined: As a virtual learner, you’ll likely be familiar with the appeal of virtual learning.  Being self-disciplined  is essential to being a successful virtual learner. It’s important that you manage your time effectively, make sure you allow enough time and space in your day to log on.  

7. Be original: You are requested to log into the virtual classroom with your official mail id ONLY. Also please ensure that your proper Name is displayed (as given in college records)

The don’ts for virtual learning

1. Don’t be a mute spectator; don’t be afraid to speak up: Even in physical classes students require to be active participants. So don’t be a silent spectator.  Professors will be expecting you to participate even in a virtual class. Lean into the microphone and make sure you offer your opinions and thoughts in a discussion session. Don’t be afraid to speak up. In some ways there is less stress associated with talking into a microphone than in physical class.

2. Don’t blame it on bad tech: As a virtual student, the professor will expect you to be able to set up your technology accordingly to log in on time and to participate fully. You can’t really blame your performance in your virtual class on technical problems. 

3. Ignore additional virtual resources: Don’t get distracted by other virtual resources or websites while you’re participating in your virtual class. It’s easy to always be continually surfing the internet, but you’ll want to pay attention. Don’t stray from the content your professor is providing you. Block pop-ups and make sure you turn off notifications while you’re logged on and “in class.”

4. Don’t think you’re doing it all alone: Virtual learning can make you feel very isolated and lonely at times. Change this feeling by collaborating with a classmate. Set up an in-person meeting and study date. Your professor might also assign group projects which will make you feel more connected to your fellow students. Don’t think you’re in it all alone. In fact, the entire class of students is with you attending the course. Connect with them in our virtual forum discussions.

5. Don’t get discouraged: A positive attitude will help get you through your virtual classes. Make sure you give yourself breaks after each class. Take walks, have a cup of coffee or tea break, communicate with a friend who is also taking a virtual class, take a yoga break, and schedule some time in your day, every day that is screen-free. 

6. Don’t try to impersonate or create nuisance: Please don’t try to log in with any id other than your own official mail id. Nor try to create any nuisance while the virtual class is going on. Any such malpractice may result in the permanent removal of you from the class.

II- Netiquettes for PARENTS during virtual Classes (Google Class Meet)

The do’s for virtual learning

1. Motivate your ward to attend the classes in the same spirit as he/she attends university.

2. Ensure that your child is physically & mentally ‘ready for university virtual classes’.

3. Provide a dedicated place for the student to attend to his/her virtual classes without disturbance. Also provide that the child should have the required technical bandwidth.

4. If you do not have a spare computer, then share your phone with the student so as to help him connect with his/her teachers in the session.

5. Ensure that there is no disturbance when your ward is attending the virtual classes. 

The don’ts for virtual  learning

1. Do Not ‘listen in’ your ward’s classes. Just like in college, the intervention of the parents is not required while the faculty is conducting the class. It may make the student overtly conscious of asking queries from his/her teacher. If it is absolutely impossible for you to be in another room, while your child is attending his virtual classes then make absolute conscious effort to be as silent and inconspicuous as possible.

2. Don’t let your ward ‘skip’ the virtual classes or suggest that everything would be repeated once the college reopens. It is important that the student pays attention to the lectures.

3. Do Not criticize or mock the virtual  classes or university’s efforts. Please remember that for students, especially teens, these are troubling times. They would not understand the seriousness of the situation. Criticizing the virtual  lectures may demotivate them.

4. Don’t keep the phone busy. It would be best if you tell all that your phone would be unavailable during the scheduled times. There are Do Not Disturb features that are also available on your devices. Ensure that the feature is active during the time the class is on.

The impact of Coronavirus pandemic has not left anyone untouched. Millions of students have been forced to sit at home during these trying times. Support the endeavours of your ward’s  university and encourage as much as possible. We urge you to stay positive and safe. We shall overcome!

III- Netiquette and guidelines for Virtual Students in Google Class Stream

When posting on the Discussion Board (Google Class Stream), you should:

1. Make posts that are on topic and within the scope of the course material.  If necessary, re-read the instructions from your faculty.

2. Take your posts seriously and review and edit your posts before sending. (Would you put sloppy writing with poor grammar in a formal research paper?)

3. Be as brief as possible while still making a thorough comment.  

4. Always give proper credit when referencing or quoting another source. (Corollary:  Don’t copy and paste another student’s post and claim it as original as that is essentially plagiarism.)

5. Be sure to read all messages in a thread before replying.

6. Don’t repeat someone else’s post without adding something of your own to it. (See corollary above regarding reuse of someone else’s post.)

7. Avoid short, generic replies such as, “I agree.” You should include why you agree or add to the previous point.  The point of a discussion in a virtual  course is to help you and your other students learn through in-depth consideration of important topics.

8. Always be respectful of others’ opinions even when they differ from your own. When you disagree with someone, you should express your differing opinion in a respectful, non-critical way. (Corollary:  Do not make personal or insulting remarks.)

9. Be open-minded as that is one of the major points of participating in an open classroom discussion.

Pacing oneself while learning virtual

The virtual learning experience that CMR University offers gives the students the opportunity to choose the training modality most suited to their educational needs, learning style, and personal schedule. As technology continues to evolve, the need for on-demand virtual training has also grown. We’re used to having information at our fingertips and finding the answers we need within minutes, this immediacy has dramatically changed people’s expectations of traditional learning.

Our virtual classes are designed; in general, to provide intuitive navigation so virtual students can concentrate more on the course materials and less on the distraction of cumbersome navigation. The virtual training courses must work seamlessly in the medium the virtual  learner prefers, whether it’s a laptop, tablet or smartphone.

University Student Policies for Virtual Learning

Virtual Learning Classroom Terms of Use

CMR University provides the online classroom and all related materials and assessments solely for your educational purposes, subject to the following terms and conditions and the sole discretion of CMR University. The University may modify these terms and conditions at any time by updating the Terms of Use before the start of a term.

Your access to the CMR Virtual classes is for your use only to complete your course requirements. Any use of the CMR Online secured site not related to the fulfillment of class responsibilities and deliverables is prohibited, including but not limited to business venture proposals. Your credentials (login ID and password) for access to virtual classes should not be shared with anyone for any reason. This includes backup of your credentials, entry into the ERP or completion of course requirements, assignments, or assessments. In no event will CMR University be liable to you for any incidental, indirect, special, or consequential damages arising out of your use or improper use of credentials or the materials provided. Infringement of these items will result in an academic review.

Virtual Class Students’ Code of Conduct

Although our classroom environment is virtual (online), the standards of behavior are as important as they are in brick and mortar schools. In other words, our virtual classrooms are real classrooms with real teachers; therefore, appropriate student behavior is expected. To ensure that all Virtual students understand how to behave in an online environment, we have developed a code of conduct that all students are required to follow. This code of conduct addresses student interaction with faculty, staff, and other students, as well as their individual actions.

Students have the right to express themselves and participate freely in a virtual class. However, they are expected to treat each other and the instructor with courtesy and respect. Offensive or inappropriate language is not to be used in any form of communication e.g., emails, discussion postings, group projects, submitted assignments. Students are allowed to disagree with each other or the instructor but must do so in a civil manner.

The discussion area of the course is reserved for postings related to course work only. Postings of a personal or nonacademic nature are not permitted and may be removed by the instructor should they appear. Grades and personal issues should be handled by private email to the instructor.

Emails to the instructor that are considered offensive or inappropriate will be sent back to the writer with a request to rewrite and resubmit. If the emails continue to be unacceptable, the student will be referred to the Associate Dean of Students and denied access to the course until the Dean contacts the student. If students receive inappropriate emails from others in the class they should notify the instructor and appropriate action will be taken.

Students are expected to submit work which is their own. Plagiarism or cheating will not be tolerated. If either is the case the student may have his/her grade for the assignment/quiz lowered or may fail the course

Student Role in Virtual Classes

CMR University’s virtual classes provide you with a flexible and convenient way to learn and complete degree programs. However, CMR University’s virtual classes maintain the same quality and rigor that can be found in our traditional classroom setting. These courses will challenge and prepare you for future endeavors. As a virtual student, you will need to be motivated, dedicated, organized, and determined in your courses.

Computer Skills

As a student enrolled in online courses, you will need to have basic computer skills. You are expected to be able to

  • Open files in standard formats (e.g., MS Office documents, PDFs, and images)

  • Create, save, organize, and maintain digital files

  • Interact with the learning management system (LMS)

  • Communicate electronically, and

  • Knowledge of web browsing and searching


Regular class attendance is a student obligation. Students are responsible for all of their work, including assessments, tests, and written work, and for all class meetings.

Attendance in Virtual Courses is mandatory just as face-to-face courses. The minimum attendance requirement for virtual classes will be 75%, same as that of physical classes. The attendance will be taken for each class at the beginning and end of class. Faculties will be asking questions to individual students during the classes. Please unmute at that time and answer. If the faculty finds that you are not present at that time, you will be marked absent; in spite of you being in the online class. 

Online students need to login into their Google Class Room for each session of the class, as per the time table. Please refer to your online faculty’s course requirements and specifications and ensure you actively participate in your virtual class. Attendance will be tracked through the online student management system by the faculty and will be entered to ERP. Attendance will incorporate completion of course requirements, participation in completing course assignments and interactions with faculty. Students are expected to regularly attend all classes for which they are registered.

A percentage of the student’s grade will be based on class attendance and participation. Faculty will report excessive and/or unexplained absences to the Class coordinator for investigation and potential intervention. Faculty may drop students from the class after three (3) absences unless prior arrangements are made with the faculty to make up work and the faculty deems any excuse acceptable.

Submitting assignments

All the assignments are to be submitted virtually through your Google Class Work. Assignments that are submitted after the deadline may have negative implications. Absence from class, regardless of the reason, does not relieve the student of his/her responsibility to complete all assignments by the required deadlines. Furthermore, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain notes, handouts, and any other information covered when absent from class and to arrange to make up any in-class assignments or tests if permitted by the faculty. Incomplete or missing assignments will necessarily affect the student’s grades.


Regular tests will be conducted on line. These tests can be descriptive as well as MCQ type. In both the cases, the answers to be submitted virtually through the Google Class work itself, before the stipulated time.